Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale in Texas

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What is a Firearm (Gun) Bill of Sale?

A firearm bill of sale is a document that confirms the private sale of a gun and transfer of possession of a firearm. If you are buying a gun from a friend or other private person, you may need to get a bill of sale to protect you from fraud or misunderstanding.

A bill of sale contains vital information about both the buyer and seller, the price, the date of transaction, a description of the firearm. In an ideal situation, the seller is responsible for drafting the bill. The gun bill of sale varies from one state to the other. While some states in the US require that a firearm bill of sale be notarized, others do not require notarization.

Even if the laws in your state do not need a firearm bill of sale to complete a gun purchase, you should get one to avoid future misunderstandings between you and the other person involved in the transaction

Who Should Use a Firearm Bill of Sale?

If you intend to buy or sell your firearm privately to your friend or a relative, then you need a firearm bill of sale for protection. Whether you are a teacher, doctor, engineer, or government worker, you need a firearm bill of sale to buy/sell your gun.

How to Sell a Gun in Texas?

The following are the steps to take when selling a gun in Texas using a gun bill of sale:

    • Step 1: Check State Laws on Private Gun Sales

In Texas, it is not mandatory to bear a gun bill of sale before you can privately buy a gun. However, it is important to check Texas's laws regarding the sale and use of firearms before proceeding to buy the firearm. Plus, you won't run into troubles with security agencies if you follow the rules. If you don't understand what the law says, you can consult your attorney for interpretation.

    • Step 2: Do a Background Check

Since you are not a licensed gun dealer, it is expected of you to carry out a quick background check of your buyers. You don't want a situation where your buyer will use the gun for illegal purposes.

    • Step 3: Ask for a Gun License or Permit

Ensure the buyer has a license to bear firearms. If they don't have a license, request the buyer to obtain a license before selling to them. This will protect you from risk.

    • Step 4: Arrange an In-Person Exchange

Meet with your potential buyer face-to-face so that you can verify their ID and license. Meeting face-to-face will also give you the opportunity to confirm the background checks you did previously on the buyer.

    • Step 5: Complete a Firearm Bill of Sale

It's now time to prepare a firearm bill of sale form. When writing the bill of sale, ensure it captures the following information:

      • Transaction date and place
      • Both buyers and seller's full name
      • The sale price
      • Address of both the buyer and seller
      • A description of the gun to be sold

How to Write a Firearm Bill of Sale?

If the process of writing a firearm bill of sale seems tedious, you can count on CocoDoc to help you out. At CocoDoc, we can help you craft a compelling bill of sale for a deal involving a firearm. CoCodoc is a leader when it comes to giving people the opportunity to record their transactions or deal through the internet.

If you want to write the gun bill of sale on your own, the process is pretty simple. Before you start to write a gun bill of sale, keep in mind that the form must contain some important information, including the transaction date and place, both buyers and seller's full name, the sale price, address of both the buyer and seller, and a description of the gun in question.

With that in mind, start the gun bill of sale form by writing a declaration that you are obligated to sell your firearm in a private deal in the witness of at least two persons. Once you include all the information above, be sure to authenticate the document with your signature and put date. That is how simple it is to write a gun bill of sale form.


It is important to craft a gun bill of sale to protect yourself against fraud or misunderstanding with a potential dealer. A bill of sale must contain a number of things for it to be valid.

A firearm bill of sale form is an important form that records the transaction involving the sale of firearms. The form also records the names, addresses, item sold/bought, and a description of the item. With a firearm bill of sale form handy, it will help you to avoid misunderstanding and fraud with your buyer.

If writing a firearm bill of sale by yourself seems tedious, you can count on CocoDoc to help you out. At CocoDoc, we can help you craft a compelling bill of sale for a deal involving a firearm. CoCodoc is a leader when it comes to giving people the opportunity to record their transactions or deal through the internet.


Are Texas' licensing requirements for firearms dealers?

Before you obtain a license to operate as a gun dealer, you must present a number of documents, including the gun dealer's license application (FFL application, certificate of compliance form, money order or check for application fee, 2 fingerprint identification cards, 2 photographs of yourself, and a mailing envelope.

What is a Texas Firearms Dealer (CFD) number?

Texas firearms dealer number is a unique identifier or number usually assigned by the regulators to all firearm dealers in Texas. The CFD number serves as the dealer's identifier for submitting DROS information and for other business dealings with the regulators.

What identification is required to purchase a firearm?

Purchasing a firearm doesn't require much identification. However, if you live in Texas, you must present a valid Texas identification card issued by the Motor Department or a valid Texas driver license. Without these documents, the gun dealer won't attend to you.

What happens if there is a problem with the purchaser's driver license?

If a purchaser's driver license is not valid, the dealer would not sell the firearm to the purchaser. The best you should do is to ensure your documents are intact before visiting the dealer's shop.

Do I need a bill of sale when selling my car?

Absolutely, you need a bill of sale when selling your car. Though there are some states that a vehicle bill of sale is not mandatory, but if you live in Texas, it is appropriate to craft a bill of sale to avoid the issue of fraud or misunderstanding with the buyer.

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